b'Session VIII: Knowledge transfer, Water governance and policy implementationChanging mindsets to improve water quality: A new approach for RBMP 2018-2021Hennessy R1 and Kelly I21LAWPRO South East Region, Ballingarrane House, Community and Enterprise offices, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary, Ireland2ASSAP, Teagasc Mellows Campus, Athenry, Co. Galway, IrelandWater quality in Ireland is under pressure; the number of monitored river water bodies and lakes at high or good status declined during the first River Basin Management Plan cycle despiteincreased regulation and investment in infrastructure designed to protect water quality.The lessons learned from the first cycle of river basin management planning resulted in a new approach in Irelands River Basin Management Plan 2018-2021. RBMP 2018-2021 recognises that securing water quality improvements requires effective engagement with and supports for the communities on-the-ground and closer co-operation between states agencies at regional and national level. The Local Authority Waters Programme (LAWPRO) was established to drive the implementation of RBMP 2018-2021. LAWPRO consists of two elements; the waters and communities office and the catchment assessment team. It is focused on assessment of water quality issues toidentify the right measure in the right place while also supporting communities to get involved in protecting their water resources. LAWPRO is taking a multi-faceted approach and will seek all sectors identified as a significant pressure on water quality to implement corrective measures. A further innovation of RBMP 2018-2021 is a collaboration with the agri-advice and dairy industry and the creation of the Agricultural Sustainability Support and Advice (ASSAP) team of advisors. This is a unique partnership of key sectoral and industry stakeholders and enables wider access to farming communities through a network of experienced agricultural advisors.RBMP 2018-2021 has prioritised 190 areas nationally; LAWPROs catchment assessment teams are systematically assessing these areas to identify the activities impacting on water quality and will recommend measures required to bring them into compliance with their WFD objectives.The ASSAP advisors, working closely with the catchment assessment team in the areas where agricultural practices are impacting on water quality, engage with farmers on their farm toidentify adaptations to practices, support behavioural change and secure more sustainable farming practices. Embedded in all stages of LAWPROs process is a recognition of theimportance of engagement with the communities affected through public events and bydistributing information through crucial local networks.40'